Now available in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia!

Step By Step

Hear Dr. Kathryn Boger, InStride’s Chief Clinical Officer, read “Step by Step”, her new book about facing fears

Parenting Your Child With Anxiety

Parenting is hard. Parenting a child who has anxiety can be even more challenging, leaving you feeling drained and unsure of the best approach. Here are some things you can do to effectively support your child (and yourself!) when they are struggling with high levels of anxiety.

How To Steer Through Back-To-School-Stress: A Parent’s Guide

Earlier this month, Dr. Mona Potter, our co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, and other leading pediatric mental health experts in a special 60 minute webinar focused on helping parents identify the signs and triggers of back-to-school stress and anxiety for their children.

The Desperate Search for Child Anxiety Treatment

When children are having difficulty accessing evidence-based therapy due to the severity of their symptoms, medication augmentation is considered. Unfortunately, finding appropriate help is often an arduous task. Astonishingly, eighty percent of children and teenagers with anxiety disorders do not receive the treatment they need.

Start the application process here.